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DIY Takedown Service Breakdown
DIY Takedown Service Breakdown

Description, instructions of the Protection Pro DIY Takedown Service Provided by

Brittany-Ann avatar
Written by Brittany-Ann
Updated over a week ago

If you are a webmaster or internet specialist the DIY Takedown Service may be perfect for you. provides all the takedown templates you need to process takedown notices everywhere.  In order for you to get started has provided very thorough Do It Yourself takedown instructions.
Click on the links below.

  1. Protection Pro Toolkit Instructions - How to create a DIY Takedown Notice 

  2.  Protection Pro Toolkit Instructions - Sending your DIY Takedown Notice

Although the DIY takedown service provides you all the tools you need to complete the takedown notices on your own you will need to do the standard takedown service work before sending the notice out.  Here is a list of the work you will need to do before starting your DIY Takedowns:

  1. you can complete the website detective tutorial at your pace in order to start your takedown notices

  2. research and find the website owner contact information using the DIY website detective tool 

  3. research and find the ISP / OSP contact information using the DIY website detective tool 

  4. build the statement of copyright or content ownership

  5. list the specific infringing content by acceptible references 

  6. choose the correct takedown notice form

  7. create and download the correct PDF's notice to save to your desktop in order to send

  8. build the correct email information 

  9. download, attach and send the relevant notices to all of the parties pertaining to the takedown

  10. track and use the takedown case management system - which provides unlimited login and review

  11. As you continually monitor the content once the notice has been sent to ensure your content has been removed, you can use your secure case system to track progress

  12. the DIY service does not include support by email, chat or phone support but the FAQ's listed above are very thorough

If this sounds like more than what you want to do you may want to use our Full Service Takedown Notice - Click here to start your takedown.

If you have any further questions about these features, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.

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