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Return Policy Settings
Introduction to Return Policy Settings
Introduction to Return Policy Settings
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Written by Customer Success
Updated over a week ago

Return policies define your return services. For each return policy, you can define the customer return experience and the operational returns process behind it. Under a channel, you can define the relevant return policies for that channel. Many of the setup items under a portal can be allocated to the return policy to provide you with maximum flexibility. By default, you have one return policy set up for your account.

Overview about return policies

When you access the initial settings level for return policies, you'll find an overview of all available policies and their connections to specific channels. Additionally, you can check the visibility and activation status for each return policy.

Update a return policy

You can utilize the icons to perform various actions. Firstly, you can access detailed settings. Additionally, you can set the visibility of a return policy. When a policy is not visible, your customers won't have access to it, and only your customer service agents can use it for new returns. Lastly, you can activate or deactivate a return policy. A deactivated policy cannot be used.

Determine the order of return policies

The order of return policies within a channel, from top to bottom, represents the order visible to the customer from left to right in the respective portal. To adjust this order, simply click on the desired policy for example on the name and then drag and drop it into the correct position.

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