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Summary Dashboard Overview

An overview of the Summary Dashboard.

Updated over a week ago

The Summary Dashboard enables users to engage with an overview of what is happening within their business.

The Summary Dashboard has two sections:

  • Ticket Summary

  • Checklist Summary

Ticket Summary:

The Ticket Summary has 3 visuals that can be clicked:

  1. Tickets to Action: This will take you to the My Assigned Tickets page. These are tickets that you are assigned and need to deal with.

  2. Tickets Overdue: This will take you to a list with all of your overdue tickets. From there you can see further details as to what the ticket is, why it may be overdue, and steps to ensure it becomes completed instead of staying overdue.

  3. High Priority Tickets will take you to a list of tickets that will be of high and urgent priority. These tickets are specifically chosen as high priority when they are created, and as such, need action taken upon them quickly.

Checklist Summary:

The Checklist Summary provides a quick glance at your Checklist completion or Scores across all sites.

This allows you to see which sites are completing their checklists and who is performing the best:

  1. Green Tick: Means they completed all their checklists for that day and are doing well.

  2. Orange half bar: Means they have completed some checklists but more are needed to be done.

  3. Red cross: No checklists are done, follow up may be needed to see why.

For more information on how to create a custom Summary Dashboard through filters, see the Dashboard Configurations article.

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