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Creating a Reporting Dashboard

This article will explain how to configure and create new Reporting Dashboards.

Updated over a week ago

To create a Reporting Dashboard in the 1Place system click the Reporting tab and click 'Reporting Dashboard Configuration.'

  • On this page you may see previously created Reporting Dashboard.

  • To start the creation of a new Reporting Dashboard, click the green 'Add' button the far right. This will bring you to a new page.

  • On this new page you may name your Reporting Dashboard and select which Profile(s) will be able to view it. 'Super Users' can access all Reporting Dashboards.

    Click the green 'Save' button.

  • This will create the reporting dashboard, which will then be highlighted in blue, indicating this dashboard has been selected.


  • Click the green 'Add Widget' button - this will cause a box to appear below it. Click the '+' button in the top right corner of the widget box.

  • Select the widget type you want to add and the filter options will show up in the box. Setup the filters as required - mandatory fields are highlighted in orange.


  • Click the 'Save Filter' Button at the bottom right of the box to save this Widget.

  • Widgets can be moved around and resized to suit your needs - click and drag a widget to move it.

Hover your mouse over the bottom right hand corner of a widget to find the resizing arrow, then click and drag it to change the size of the widget.

  • Click the green 'Save Layout' button above the box to save your Reporting Dashboard Configuration. Make sure you do this regularly as saving the Widget and saving the dashboard are two different things, both have to be done for your work on your dashboard to be kept safe.

  • As well as saving new widgets, the Save Layout button also saves the actual layout of the Dashboard itself.

  • You will now be able to view your custom Reporting Dashboard Configuration and print the charts. Select it within the Reporting Dashboard section of your 1Place instance.

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