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Hazard Register

This article will explain the Hazard Register view, as well as how to create new Hazards.

Updated over a week ago

The Hazard Register allows users to search for and see various Hazards that have been recorded in their 1Place instance. The user can also upload and create new hazards.

The Hazard Register is accessed through the Health and & Safety tab within your 1Place Instance. When you click into the Hazard Register you will be taken to a page with a search box with various filters, the ability to create a new hazard or incident, as well as a list of your currently created Hazards which can be edited here.

The filters at the top of screen allow the user to find specific Hazards within their 1Place instance.

Creating a New Hazard:

Clicking the green '+New Hazard Button' will allow the user to create a brand new hazard.

This will take you to a new screen which enables you to fill out various detail regarding the new hazard.

The boxes with the red asterisk * are mandatory and must be filled out to complete the hazard creation.

Once you have completed filling out the form, click the green 'Add' button at the bottom right of the screen. This will add your new hazard to your register!

Viewing Hazards:

On the front page of the Hazard Register there is a list of all your created Hazards. Various details are shown below each specific blue tab.

Clicking the blue Hazard Name text will allow you to edit currently existing hazards. This process is exactly the same as creating a new hazard, however details will of course already be filled out due to it being a previously created hazard.

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