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Health & Safety Classes

This article will explain how Health & Safety classes can further help categorize your Incidents and Hazards.

Updated over a week ago

Health & Safety Classes can be found in the Health & Safety tab and are another method of further categorising your reported Incidents and Hazards.

  • To add a new class, click the '+Add New Class' button.

  • This will bring up a blank Label and Description box for you to fill out.

  • Click the green 'Save' button to save your new class.


The Health & Safety Classes you have created can be found when viewing/investigating an incident and scrolling down to the investigation of the incident section.

  • Here you can select which class to add your incident into.

Once you have added a few incidents to a class, you can use it to search for a group of incidents within your incident register.

  • Click the Search button on your incident register

  • On the left side of the filters, 'Select Class' will appear. You may choose your class from here.

  • Click the 'Search' button. This will now display your Incidents within that class for you to analyse.


When creating a new Hazard, you may add it to a specific Health & Safety class.

  • Within the Hazard creator, within the Hazard Details section you will see 'Select Class.'

  • Select the class you want to add the Hazard to, fill out the rest of the Hazard form and add the Hazard.

  • Within the Hazard Register search you may choose a class and search for Hazards within that class.

  • You will now view your specific Hazards below in the register to analyse.

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