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Incident Types

This article will explain how to create new Incident Types, and how to use them when creating new Incidents.

Updated over a week ago

The Incident Types tab under Health & Safety allows the user to create new types of Incidents which are essentially templates for the creation of future Incidents within your Incident Register.

On this page you may search for Incident Types through their name and status (active or inactive).

Adding a new Incident Type

To add a new Incident Type, click the green '+New Incident Type' button on the right side of the screen.

Within the new incident type creator are various sections that allow you to Tick to allow certain sections to appear on the Incident Type form, or to Untick certain sections so these do appear on the form.

Incident Details

  • Incident Type: What kind of incident is this? (Eg/ Slip, fall, etc.)

  • PDF Report Settings: Allows you to choose how the PDF report relating to this incident type will be formatted.

  • Personal Details: Tick or Untick boxes to choose which details will appear on this form.

  • Incident: Tick or Untick boxes to choose which details (severity, location, etc.) relating to the incident will appear on the form.

  • Treatment: Tick or Untick boxes relating to how the incident was treated.

  • Signature: Tick or Untick to allow the user to sign their signature when filling out the incident form.

  • Custom Fields: The Custom Fields show at the bottom of the Incident Details section after they've been created in the system. Depending on the Custom Field Type, there are 4 fields available:
    Order - this determines the order in which the Custom Fields will appear in your Incident Type. The system uses numbering to determine the sort order, and we would recommend increasing by tens for each Custom Field (EG 10 / 20 / 30 etc, so it's easy to add additional fields later on).
    Visible - a checkbox that makes the Custom Field appear in your Incident Type when Users report an Incident.
    Editable - a checkbox that determines if the Custom Field can be completed by 'external Users' (EG parents / caregivers) when they receive a URL / link to the Incident form. This feature is mostly used to allow parents / caregivers to sign off on an Incident Form remotely, on their own device.
    Tracked - a checkbox that records changes in these fields. Every time a change occurs, the system will create a new date / time stamp and you can download a PDF report of these changes.

Investigation of Incident

  • Incident Category: Tick or Untick boxes to choose whether the Incident category and Class appear on the form.

  • Analysis: Tick or Untick boxes relating to the analysis of the Incident.

  • Investigation: Tick or Untick boxes relating to how the incident was investigated.

  • Investigation Officer Signature: Tick or Untick to allow an investigation officer to sign off on the form.

  • Custom Fields: Tick or Untick previously created investigation incident custom fields created within the settings section of 1Place.​

Incident Status
This is greyed out as this is mandatory to be ticked. (Pending, Open or Resolved).

Once you have completed all of your options, click the green 'Add' button at the bottom right of the page.

This will add your new Incident Type to the list on the Incident Type page:

Click the blue 'Set as Default' button to set a specific incident type to the default. The blue deactivate button will deactivate the incident type so it will not appear when creating an incident.

When creating a new Incident within the Incident Register, you will see your created Incident Type templates


Select the Incident Type applicable and your custom incident type will appear to be used in the creation of a new incident.

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