The ‘My Report Logos’ setting allows the user to add a logo which will be shown on their PDF reports.
To find this setting click the ‘Settings' tab, click ‘PDF Layouts' and select 'Report Logos'
When you are taken to the ‘My Report Logos’ section click the green ‘Add Logo’ button on the right side of the screen.
This will take you to a screen where you can name the logo, as well as choose which Franchisee and/or Site this logo is applicable, as well as upload your logo.
Uploading your logo:
To upload your logo, click the blue 'Choose' button in the 'Select Logo' box near the bottom of the page. This will open your windows file search, where you can find the folder your logo is saved in on your PC.
Your file will appear below next to 'Uploaded Files.'
Click the green ‘Save’ button at the bottom right of the screen to add the logo to your system. Your Report Logo will now be listed and available for use.