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Health & Safety Help

This article explains how Health & Safety Help can help a user add more detail and explanation to Incident and Hazard fields.

Updated over a week ago

Within your Incident or Hazard form there may be fields you want to explain with more detail. This may be explaining what is expected to be detailed within a certain field on the forms.

To access the Health & Safety Help, click the Health and Safety tab and click Health & Safety Help.

When you are on this page, click either the Incident Fields Help or Hazard Fields Help tabs at the top of the screen to dictate if your help is for an Incident or Hazard field.

Click the green “Add New Help for Incident (or Hazard)” button to get started.

You may choose the Label you are wanting to add the help to, and then add the description of your help which is the extra detail you are wanting to explain. The green add link button allows the user to add a URL link to aid explanations. An example of a link could be an article or video that better explains the label.

Click the green save button to save your changes. Your changes will now be reflected within the Incident or Hazard fields you chose on their respective pages.


In this example we will add help to the ‘Severity’ section of an Incident. Follow the above steps to add a Health & Safety Help and in this example we will select ‘Severity’ and add the help “How bad was the injury?” This will help employees filling out the incident report fully understand what is meant by severity.

Click the save button to save your help.

Now go to the Incident Register under the Health & Safety tab and click “+New Incident.”

The severity box will now have a little blue ‘i’ next to it to indicate your help has been added.

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