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This article explains how to create aliases. These are helpful in the sorting of franchisees and sites to further automate 1Place.

Updated over a week ago

Instead of individually searching for groups of franchisees or sites, or selecting them one by one for reports, we can put them into useful groupings called aliases.

To find the Aliases setting, click the settings tab, and click “Aliases” at the very bottom.

An example of where we might use an alias is if we wanted to make a group of the centers which are located in a specific region.

Creating Aliases Example:

On this page you may switch between Franchisee and Site Aliases, in this example we will be creating and using a Site Alias.

Click the green ‘+Site Alias’ button to get started creating an Alias.

On this page you may name your site Alias and then add the applicable sites to your alias by dragging them over or by selecting the site and clicking the single right arrow. Once you have completed this, click the green ‘Add’ button on the bottom right of the page to save it.

How to use Aliases:

There are multiple ways that you can use Aliases to find information more efficiently within 1Place.

The main way to use Aliases is to search for information.

In the Checklist Register: We can see that there is a filter option called ‘Site Alias.’ We can use the filter to search for groups of sites which are under that alias.

Aliases are also available for use within reporting.

Within the Incident Report: (within Excel Reports under the Reports tab) you may select a Site Alias. Selecting this will ensure that the report created will be for the group of sites within that Alias.

Site and Franchisee Aliases can be used within the Summary Dashboard:

Within the Summary Dashboard: When creating a new Summary Dashboard, in order to speed up and automate the creation process, a user may select a Franchisee or Site Alias. This will instantly add all Franchisees under the chosen Alias into the ‘Report on’ section.

To add the Alias click on the mandatory “Report on” tab in your Dashboard filters. Select if you would like to choose a Franchisee Alias, or a Site Alias.

When one of the Alias options are selected, you may drag one of your created Aliases into the right box to enable it. This will change the box below, shifting the applicable Franchisees or Sites into Franchisees or Sites that will be reported on in this Summary Dashboard.

As a whole, Aliases can improve efficiency in searching for information, as well as improving efficiency in the creation of new information through Reports and Dashboards.

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