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How does the finance section work?

Alexandra from 2houses avatar
Written by Alexandra from 2houses
Updated over a week ago

Each parent has to enter the expenses he paid. You have to choose/create a category of expense. This category will split the expense between the two parents.

The system knows that the parent who enters the expense has paid the expense entirely. The system automatically calculates the balance between what each parent owes to the other when expenses are accepted or refused.

The payment/balance section is used to balance the account, not to mark an expense as "paid".

The box "Subject to a reimbursement" has to be checked if the expense will be partially reimbursed by an organisation or a third party (e.g. health service), not for a reimbursement by the co-parent. If an expense is "pending", it means that the co-parent has to accept or refuse it to share the expense.

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