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Is Soft Skills Analytics a test?
Is Soft Skills Analytics a test?

Why a Soft Skills Analysis is not a test

Andre Hafner avatar
Written by Andre Hafner
Updated over 4 months ago

Soft Skills Analysis is not a test

The Soft Skills Analysis is not a test and is not used for evaluation. It is an answer to the question of the extent to which a candidate has certain soft skills. Based on the answers collected, an evaluation of the characteristics is carried out. This evaluation is then compared with the requirements profile.

An instrument for making inner attitudes and skills transparent

Self-assessments and external assessments serve as a reflection. We differentiate between everyday and challenging work situations. The Soft Skills Analysis is a useful instrument when it comes to making a person's inner attitude and skills transparent. An evaluation reliably shows strengths and development potential.

  • personal assessment of one's position in relation to the professional environment

  • Mapping of values ​​and reflection of action competencies in everyday and stressful work situations

  • Certainty about values ​​and competencies in order to find a more suitable position

  • Finding sustainable work, achieving more satisfaction and success in the job

  • Basis for personal and professional development

  • Basis for further coaching

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