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Directive (EU)2019/944

This article helps you understand what you are required to do by Directive 2019/944 in accordance with the Taxonomy.

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Written by Rutger
Updated over a week ago

Directive 2019/944 lays down common rules for the internal market for electricity.

Within the Directive, of specific interest for complying with the EU Taxonomy is Article 20, relating to the Functionalities of smart metering systems.

The provision provides characteristics to be shared by all smart metering systems circulating the Community's market.

It sets the following requirements:

  • Smart metering systems shall measure with accuracy actual electricity consumption and capable of providing information on actual time of use;

    • Validated historical consumption data must be easily and securely available and visualised on request and no additional cost;

    • Non-validated data also available at no additional cost through standardised interface or through remote access;

  • Security of the systems and data communication must comply with EU security rules, with due regard to best available techniques to ensure highest level of cybersecurity protection;

  • Privacy of final customers and protection of their data complies with all relevant Union data protection and privacy rules;

  • Meter operators ensure that meters of active customers who feed electricity into grid can account for the electricity fed into the grid from the active customers' premises;

  • Upon customer request, data on electricity fed into grid by them and their electricity consumption made readily available to them through standardised communication interface or remote access, or third party acting on behalf, in easily understandable format (in accordance with Article 24);

  • Appropriate advice and information provided to customers prior or at time of installation of smart meter, concerning full potential regarding management of meter reading and monitoring of energy consumption, and concerning collection and processing of personal data;

  • Smart metering systems enable final customers to be metered and settled at same time resolution as imbalance settlement period in national market.

If your smart meters comply with the following functionalities, your activity is compliant with Article 20 Directive 2019/944.

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