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Transmission and Distribution Transformers
Transmission and Distribution Transformers

This article provides a definition in accordance with EU's understanding of power transformers, and their regulatory approach to them.

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Written by Rutger
Updated over a week ago

Power transformers are devices used in electricity transmission and distribution networks to overcome differences between primary (input) and secondary (output) voltage.

The EU developed legislation on ecodesign which primarily cover minimum energy efficiency levels of transformers with a minimum power rating of 1 kVA and which are used in 50 Hz electricity networks or in industrial applications.

The original Regulation on ecodesign requirements for power transformers (EU) No 548/2014 steered the EU 'transformer' market to manufacture more efficient models, and is superseded by amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1783 since the end of 2019.

Through this revision, the EU introduces targeted concessions from the minimum efficiency requirements applicable in Tier 2 from July 2021 and clarifies several provisions in the original regulation.

To find out more about those specific, Tier 2 requirements applying to transformers, please consult this article on Regulation 548/2014.

To find out more about how the EU defines 'overground high voltage lines', please consult this article.

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