API documentation
All APIs are listed in swagger: Swagger UI.
APIs to be used by Power BI
The read only APIs to be used with Power BI are typically listed in Fields:
You find the fieldId in 4Insight. It is available in the URL where your ValveTrack instance is published:
How to test the APIs in swagger?
You will need access to 4Insight and the field to test - contact support for this access.
You need to retrieve a bearer token:
Then past the token and click:
Try the API
Enter the fieldId and execute:
Connecting with PowerBI desktop
A service account must be set up for you to get access. This must be set up by support:
Service account
Based on the service account you will get a client id and a secret - you need them both.
Parameters in PowerBI desktop
You need to enter the following parameters:
GetToken function
The GetToken function in the desktop file should look something like this:
= () =>
Data = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://4subseaid.b2clogin.com/4subseaid.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/token?p=B2C_1A_SIGNUPORSIGNINWITH4SS_PROD&grant_type=client_credentials&client_id="& client_id & "&client_secret=" & client_secret & "&scope=https://4subseaid.onmicrosoft.com/4insight-api-prod/.default", [Headers=[#"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],Content=Text.ToBinary("")])),
access_token = "Bearer " & Data[access_token]
Calling the valves API
Here is an example how to call the valves API:
= Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://valvetrack-surf-api.4subsea.net/api/v1/fields/" & field_id & "/valves", [Headers=[Authorization=GetToken()]]))
Schedule refresh in PowerBI.com
You can the upload the desktop field and configure scheduled refresh.
Data source credetials
When setting this up you can skip test connection: