Where can I get my Rate Cons?

Getting payment documentation for 5F CPG

Written by Vineeta Singh
Updated over a week ago

5F CPG doesn't provide rate confirmations for each load delivered. Instead, we provide daily settlements which can be automatically forwarded to your factoring company.

Why Don't we Provide Rate Cons?

With 5F CPG, the Rate Confirmation isn't the full picture of what you will be paid.

Factoring companies use Rate Confirmations to match up payments sent from brokers with loads their customers (you) delivered. However, due to our dynamic Patience Pay and Dedicated Asset Bonus you are frequently paid more than what a rate confirmation will show.

Hence, if you send rate cons to your factoring company, you will be underpaid by them as they don't include your Dedicated Asset Bonus or Patience Pay.

Instead, we provide a feature to automatically send your approved settlements to your factoring company by email.

Setting Up Automated Settlements for Your Factoring Company

  1. Visit the 5F Carrier Portal

  2. Navigate to the "Settlements" Page

  3. Click "Settlement Notifications" on the top right, and plug in your factoring company's email address.

Your factoring company will now receive an email automatically every time you have a settlement from 5F. This way you can be paid the full amount you deserve!

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