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Admissions Consulting and Editing
If I buy Admissions Consulting now, how long do I get to work with you?
If I buy Admissions Consulting now, how long do I get to work with you?
Updated over a week ago

If you purchase Admissions Consulting without after-the-app services, we’ll work with you until you finish submitting ten applications. We require that you submit those applications in the same application cycle.

The official agreement is a little more verbose because “admissions cycle” is an imprecise term. You’ll see that we make a distinction between (1) when you purchase, (2) when you start using the service, and (3) when you submit. In addition to ending when you submit ten applications, our Consulting services end…

  1. Six months after you submit your first application, OR

  2. A year after you start using the service, unless you delay, OR

  3. Three years after you purchase the service.

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