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Customize Project Stages to match your workflow
Customize Project Stages to match your workflow

Let everyone on your team know what stage a project is in and where it needs to go next

Kimberly Craven avatar
Written by Kimberly Craven
Updated over a week ago

What are Project Stages?

Project Stages appear in the 'All Projects' view as cards and in the 'Overview' tab of each project.

Projects View
Overview View

Default Project Stages are set based on the industry, company size, and project size selected during account creation. These default stages should fit the workflow of most businesses but you can customize them to fit your organization's needs.ย 

Project Stage Customization

In the bottom left of the Cloud navigation menu, hover on the profile icon and click settings. In the 'Settings' navigation bar, select 'Project Stages' under the 'Projects' section.

There are several existing pre-defined project stages. You can add, delete, or edit any of the existing states. Note, that there are some requirements for customizing these stages.

  • Must have at least one New, Open, and Closed stage

  • Added stages must be mapped to a system stage

System Stage Types

There are 3 system stages, there must be at least one of each of these stages for reporting purposes and for managing the progress and status of projects:

  • New - This is a won project that still needs work done before ready to work on.

  • Open - A project that is actively being developed. You may want multiple open stages to track where you are in the implementation process.

  • Closed - This is a completed project. There is no more work to be done on this project.

Add/Edit/Remove/Reorder Project Stages

To Add a stage, click the "New Project Stage" button above the table. Name the stage, assign a probability, and map it to a system stage. There can only be one 'New' and one 'Closed' stage at a time, any other custom stages must be mapped to the 'Open' system stage.

To Delete a system, click the ellipses next to any of the stages and click delete. Remember you must have at least one stage for each New, Open, and Closed system stage.

Click and drag to reorder stages based on your project flow. This will change the order of the stages in the 'All Projects' view and 'Overview' tabs of each project.

Project Overview Before:

Project Overview After:

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