Inviting users

Invite users into your account to let them work on Opportunities, Projects, Contracts, and Service Calls

Written by Ashok P
Updated over a week ago

After you have created the primary administrator account on D-Tools Cloud and have gotten comfortable with using it, you may want to invite other coworkers into your D-Tools account.

This is an easy process; you only need the email address(es) of the coworker(s) you want to invite. Once their account is created, they add their name and professional details for using the account.

Types of users

On Cloud, you can create two types of users—Office users and Field users.

Office users

These are coworkers who help you manage your company's opportunities, projects, product catalog, labor, accounting, and other operations on Cloud. Office users should be assigned to a User Group with specific permissions to Cloud features.

Field users

These are members of your installation and service fulfillment team working in the field. Field users can sign into their Cloud account from their mobile browser. Once signed in, they are able to receive their project tasks and calls and track the time spent on them.

If a coworker is performing tasks of both the Office user and Field user, you’ll need to have separate user accounts; one as an Office user and another as the Field user. So, you need to send separate invites to them on two different email addresses.

Invite Office user

To invite one or more Office users, go to the "Users & Permissions" tab in Settings.

In the Office Users tile, click the "Add User" icon. This will open a modal to invite Office users. Type in your coworkers’ emails, select their User Group in your organization, and click "Send Invite."

You will see a toast message that confirms the invitation was sent.

Invite Field user

To invite one or more Field users, click the "Add User" icon in the Field Users tile. This will open a modal to invite Field users. Type in the Field users’ emails and click "Send Invite."

You will see a toast message that confirms the invitation was sent.

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