Quote States

Quote States and how they work on D-Tools Cloud

Written by Ashok P
Updated over a week ago

On D-Tools Cloud, a quote is assigned different states from creation to when the proposal for the quote is accepted or declined by the customer.

We provide some default quote states mapped to our backend system states—Open, Presented, Accepted, and Declined. You can edit these states or add more states if needed.

Edit or Add New States

If you would like to change the names and colors assigned to the default quote states, go to “Quote > Quote States” under Settings, click the 3-dot menu of the state you want to edit and click “Edit.” This will open the edit view to change the name and color.

If you want to add more "Open" states to suit your internal quote-building process, click "New quote state" at the top right corner and add the name and color for the new state.

For example, add new states "In Progress," "In Review," and "Ready to Share" if your company has an internal quote-review process before sharing the proposal with the customer.

*Note that you can have only state each mapped to the "Presented," "Accepted," and "Declined" states.

Accepted Quote

There are two ways in which a quote can go to the "Accepted" state.

1) When the customer accepts the proposal shared for the quote. This automatically moves the quote to the "Accepted" state on Cloud.

2) You can move the quote to the "Accepted" state if you receive approval from the customer through an email or any other means. To do so, navigate to the Quote Details view and select "Accepted" in the status drop-down.

Declined Quote

There are two ways in which a quote can go to the "Declined" state.

1) When the customer does not accept the proposal shared for the quote before the due date for approval. This will automatically move the quote to the "Declined" state.

2) You can move the quote to the "Declined" state if the customer informed you by email or other means. To do so, navigate to the Quote Details view and select "Declined" in the status drop-down.

Revising an Accepted Quote

The customer may need some changes in the project after they have accepted and signed the proposal. D-Tools Cloud locks a quote when its proposal is Accepted. You have two options to share a revised proposal with the customer:

1. Unlock the Quote and Make the Changes

For an Accepted quote, Cloud will show a banner on the top stating that the quote is locked for edits. You cannot add items, edit service plans, or make other changes.

Click "Unaccept" to unlock the quote. Now, you can make the changes.

Check out this article for more details about locking and unlocking quotes.

2. Create a New Version of the Quote

Use the Quote Versioning feature on Cloud and duplicate the quote to create a new version of the quote. Make the changes in the new version and share the new proposal with the customer.

Check out this article for more details about Quote Versioning.

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