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Quoting and Proposals
Can I select multiple or all products in a location or system in a quote?
Can I select multiple or all products in a location or system in a quote?

Shortcuts you can use on macOS or Windows computers to select multiple or all products in a quote or change order

Written by Ashok P
Updated over a week ago

Yes, you can select multiple or all products in a location or system in the quote or change order. This may be necessary when you want to move items to different locations or systems.

Select all items

When in a location, system, phase, or category in the quote, click on one item to select it and then do the following:

  • On a macOS computer, press the "Command" and "A" keys simultaneously and you will see that all items are selected.

  • On a Windows computer, press the "Control" and "A" keys simultaneously and you will see that all items are selected.

Select some items

When in a location, system, phase, or category in the quote, click on one item to select it and then do the following:

  • On a macOS computer, keep the "Command" key pressed down and click on the items you want to select.

  • On a Windows computer, keep the "Control" key pressed down and click on the items you want to select.

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