Avalara Tax Integration

Automated Tax Compliance

Andriy avatar
Written by Andriy
Updated over a week ago


Our Avalara automated tax integration provides you with the ability to automatically generate tax rates based on the opportunity address. Through direct integration, you can now provide your clients with accurate tax calculations as part of the proposal process!

*Automated tax calculation is currently only available to US-based users.


The setup is simple, toggle the option on in your Cloud tax settings. Now all opportunities will have the correct tax applied upon creation.

*Note this will not apply to opportunities that were created before the setting has been turned on.

Opportunity Creation

When creating a new opportunity, you'll need to make sure you input the site address as this will be used to calculate the correct tax. If you are working with a client that is tax exempt, simply toggle the 'Manually set tax' option on the last step to apply a different tax rate.

Additional Notes

If the Create tax as "Group tax" option is selected. You can break out the individual taxes within the group on the proposal by editing the proposal template and unchecking the "Combine taxes" option in the summary section:

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