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PC Screen Adjustments

If you're running Fitr on a PC, this article will show you how to adjust the font and aspect sizes to your taste

Updated over a week ago

So you want to change the amount of text you can see, or you want to zoom in or out, depending on your preference.

Given the amount of different screen sizes, resolutions etc on the market, it's impossible to get the default perfect for everyone, so here are some helpful hints for PC.

If you're looking for tips for MacBook, please see our dedicated article.

Please note that the process may vary for some machines. Please contact your machine provider for more help if you get stuck, or usually there are loads of articles online about how to do the above for specific machines.

Option 1 - Head into settings

Click on your windows menu button and head into settings

Click on display settings and head to scale and layout

Your system probably is still set up as default. We think Fitr. works nicely at around 100%. 

Option 2 - Head to your browser

Each browser is slightly different, but we'll show Chrome below. Most browsers have options to zoom in and out, directly from the browser view.

Zoom in and out until you're happy with how Fitr. looks.


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