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Online reviews
Online reviews
Updated over a week ago

With Flexy, you can activate a page on your website allowing your customers to post reviews.

Thanks to this Reviews page, you will be able to collect the views of your customers on your services and thus boost your activity and your visibility on the Internet.

What does this option offer you?

- More visibility

Customers are increasingly consulting the opinions of internet users to choose a hairdresser, a beauty institute or a spa. They grant more importance to the opinions posted online by strangers than to the marketing communications of the companies.

Thanks to the publication of reviews on your website, you will be able to attract new customers and improve your SEO.

- A better vision of the customer experience allowing you to improve your offer

You will be able to improve your customer service and enhance your services thanks to the feedback you will get from your customers.

In addition, you can moderate opinions, which allows you to control what you post on your website.

Which offers have that feature ?

This feature is available with the Boost and Luxury offers.

How to activate and manage reviews?

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