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Completing a Works Order

How to return your items on a Works Order

Updated over a week ago

When a Service/Repair has finished then there will be a few simple steps needed to close off the Works Order. These are marking the Items as returned and optionally producing invoices or any other documents to confirm completion.

Returning the Works Order Item

Returning Works Order Items can either be done individually or for multiple ones on a Works Order, which is useful if you are repairing lots of items and want to return them at the same time. To get started, go to the Works Order, click the Action dropdown and then Book Out

By default, this will select all of the Works Order Items with a green tick ready for you to Accept Book Out. If you need to deselect any, then just click the green tick next to the item and this will remove the selection and the item won’t be returned at this time. To select or deselect all, then click the green tick next to the Name table header.

You can also click Cancel to go back to the previous screen, but once you are ready then click Accept Book Out and confirm your choice, which will then mark the Item status as Returned and any Parts as Sold.

This will also update the item’s availability and the relevant Maintenance Types, so if you’ve booked an item in for a yearly LOLER inspection then its records will update to show the inspection is due next year.

Note: At this point, you can still reverse this process by clicking Revert in the Action dropdown on the Item’s row. This will change the status of the item back to Allocated again, along with any parts that have been added to the item on the Works Order. Although you cannot revert if there are Maintenance Types selected on the Works Order for this item.

Once all of the Works Order Items have been returned then the Status of the Order will change to Complete (unless there are charges to be invoiced to a customer), which says all of the work for this order has been done

Note: Once a Works Order is complete, you can still:

· Add new items or parts if you’ve forgotten

· Print any documents like the Job Sheet or Completion Note (more below)

· Edit the Works Order

· Log activities, add notes or attach documents

Invoicing the Works Order

If a Works Order has a customer then you can produce an invoice either in the invoice run or whenever you want (ad-hoc). In these situations, an Order’s status won’t be set to Complete until it has been invoiced in full.

For more information about the invoicing process, please see our Invoicing Works Orders guide at:

Printing documents

As part of the Works Order process, you may find it useful to generate documents for your order, we currently provide a Quote, Job Sheet and a Completion Note for you to use. Both of these share standard document features so you can download to PDF, email to users or customers and print them off.


Great for providing an estimate to customers for the cost of the service/repair, this document shows key information like the parts and labour used, the items worked on, cost, dates and any external notes you make.

You can email this to the customer and once they confirm acceptance, click “Convert to Order” in the Actions sidebar on the Works Order to process it to a real order.

Note: Quotes can only be printed while the Works Order is at the “Quote” stage, you cannot print quotes once it has been converted to an Order

Job Sheet

A summary of key information about the Works Order along with the items and parts used. This can be useful at the beginning to give to a fitter for an overview of what’s required or to the customer for a summary of the job.

Completion Note

Ideally used once the Works Order is completed, you can print this to show an overview of key information about the works order along with the parts used and a signature section in the footer for the customer or fitter to sign. This would mainly be useful for repair jobs or customer owned equipment jobs that need authorisation to confirm the work is complete.

Note: We do not currently support taking signatures electronically for these, however this is planned for a future release.

As with all of our documents, they can be customised to suit your branding, if this is something you would be interested in then please reach out to the team through the blue Intercom bubble in the bottom right.

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