Edit or Delete Services

Update links, visibility, and more, or delete services that no longer apply

Updated over a week ago

Keep direct links, descriptions, and even group visibility for services current by editing as needed. When services no longer apply—like when you switch vendors—it's easy to delete services from the list.

To edit a service:

  1. In Workplace, click Services.

  2. Click the (...) icon and select Edit Services.

  3. Select a service from the list.

  4. Click the (...) icon and select Edit Service.

  5. Make your changes.

  6. When finished, click Save Service.

To delete a service:

  1. In Workplace, click Services.

  2. Click the (...) icon and select Edit Services.

  3. Select a service from the list.

  4. Click (...) icon and select Delete Service.

  5. Click Delete Service to confirm.

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