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Add Multi Part Service
Add Multi Part Service

How to add a multi part service which can allow for room prep or travel time

Caro Syson avatar
Written by Caro Syson
Updated over 2 years ago

Multi-part services are services made up of more than one part, each with its own duration.

Multi-part services are ideal to create for any of the following examples:

  • Adding in buffer times at the end of services for travel to your next appointment, room prep, cleaning, catching your breath or just completing a clients record before your next one arrives

    NOTE: Adding a buffer time at the start of an appointment for travel TO the client will show to the client that their appointment begins when you start your journey. So be sure to let your client know what the actual start time of their appointment will be, if you have factored in travel time at the beginning within the service they select.

  • When you offer a service made up of parts, it might mean that you don't need to be with your client for the whole time e.g. Processing times for highlights where you add colour, leave to develop then see the client again to wash out.

  • To add a Multi Part Service start in the top right area and press the Plus button and add a new Service.

  • Alternatively add Multi Part Service with Plus button on the Services Page.

  • Next choose service type as Multi-part Service.

  • On the Create service screen you need to add the overall name of the Multi Part Service

  • Then add each service parts one by one.

  • When clicking on the Add service part button you'll get a pop-up that need to be filled in.

Availability - choose whether you want this time to be blocked out for the service or show as available to allow others to book into that time.

Name - label this part of your service for your own reference to show in your calendar.

Duration - choose how long you want this part of the service to be blocked out or free.

  • After adding each service part you can edit or remove any of them. Its also possible to change the sequence that they show by dropping and dragging them up and down the list to show in a new order

  • On the right side in the Create service screen you can see all the details given your new Multi part service:

    • Cost - add your price here

    • Free - check this box if there is not charge made for this multi-part service

    • Notes - relating to your service

    • Total duration - calculated automatically and is the sum of all services parts added up from each part entered in on the left list.

  • Choose a colour for your new service by clicking on the colour wheel where is says CHOOSE COLOUR.

  • Decide if you want to enable your service to be booked via Online Booking and switch the ON/OFF button accordingly.

  • If you switch the Online booking button ON, you can choose to collect a payment for this service during the online booking process as long as you set up your Pocket PA account to be connected to a Payment Gateway (Stripe or Square)

  • You can also ask your client a specific question during the online booking process that relates just to that service.

  • You can also chose to deliver your services via Zoom so select the ON/OFF button accordingly for this option.

  • Ensure you have entered in an email address to the Client contact details otherwise we cannot send them a Zoom link to connect with you.

  • Click Save in the top right corner when you finished.

NOTE: Any multi-part service can be edited or deleted in the same way as a regular Service

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