When you have registered an email or mobile phone number for your client, you can send them Booking confirmations
Booking confirmations are sent at the time of adding the appointment to the calendar.
There are 2 options on how to send these Notifications
Email - included in your monthly plan
SMS - buy bundles on a pay as you go basis
PROTIP: it's handy to routinely collect all your clients' email addresses so you can send these free automated email messages and also it will allow you to send invoices to collect payments.
In order to send any messages to confirm a booking, the feature needs to be activated and switched ON for both email and/or SMS options.
Both email and SMS booking confirmation messages can be customized.
Booking Email Confirmation
To set up your Booking confirmation email, start in the Account Setting User Profile list and select Client Notifications Area.
Due to recent malicious attempts from a small minority trying to misuse Pocket PA, we are now verifying all user accounts before any messages can be sent out for the first time only. This additional step has enhanced the security of Pocket PA for all users.
Please click on the Green button to send a request for verification
- this will usually happen very quickly but within 24 hours at the latest.
Email subject is what will appear in the subject line in the email message which is sent reminding your client.
Email template is what text will be in the email message. You can use tags to include appointment details inside messages.
Booking SMS Confirmation
To set up your Booking confirmation SMS, start in the Account Setting User Profile list and select Client Notifications Area.
Due to recent malicious attempts from a small minority trying to misuse Pocket PA, we are now verifying all user accounts before any messages can be sent out for the first time only. This additional step has enhanced the security of Pocket PA for all users.
Please click on the Green button to send a request for verification
- this will usually happen very quickly but within 24 hours at the latest.
Ensure you switch the top ON/OFF button to ON and then check your SMS credit bundle balance.
Compose your message in the template area, using tags if you wish, and be sure to press SAVE to complete the process
Note: 1 SMS message is 160 characters long including spaces. However, emojis and some Unicode symbols will take you over this limit.
If you wish to send a longer message and use emojis etc, it's no problem, but be aware it may use up to 2-3 SMS (or more) credits depending on the length and so it will use up your credit balance faster.
For more information on how to set up each type of notification, click on the links below