In addition to create a Sale, you can edit or delete it.
To edit or delete a sale, go to the Sales screen via the Sales & Products menu dropdown.
On the Sales Screen, there will be a list of all the sales you've created.
PROTIP: You can also see the payment status (Paid, Unpaid, or Left to Pay). It's really handy to check here often to keep on top of your finances.
To edit or delete any sale:
Click on the green date of the Sale to get more information about it.
In the Sale detail screen, you can see that the client still has to pay an amount.
To edit or add a new payment to the current sale click on the Add Payment button. This will take you to a screen where you can edit any field or enter in new details relating to the additional payment being made and record the payment method.
NOTE: if the Add Payment button is not clicking through to the above screen, it will mean you created this sale via an Invoice so you will need to add the payment from the Invoice screen
You can delete a sale entirely if required by selecting the red X button.
Press the Save button in the top right corner when you finished.