Add a new Sale Payment by clicking on the Plus button in the top right bar.
Alternatively use the Plus button on the Income Page.
When you add a payment it can be a payment for
a service
a sale
combined payment
or standalone payment.
Select Sales Payment under Choose Payment Type
In the Create Payment screen firstly choose your client from the drop-down or add a new client using the plus button.
Next Select the
Item from the dropdown menu that you want to create a sale for (it can be anything from services, products, packages or gift vouchers that show in the dropdown menu),
Quantity - enter in here if the sale is for more than 1 of the item
Amount - the amount you receive for the sale can be changed by entering in a lesser amount than the full sale amount that shows by default
Discount - these can be created in the account set up area and applied here
Date of sale - this will default to today's date but it can be adjusted by clicking on the calendar icon and choosing a new date
If you want to add more than one item to the sale, click on the green + button next to the title Sale Payment (if you want to remove a line then press the red minus button)
You can continue to add in as many items from the drop-down as required to build up the transaction before checkout.
On the right side of the Create Payment screen you will see all the detailed information about the sale you're creating.
When you have completed adding all the items to the sale, choose the payment method :
Press the Save button in the top right corner when you are finished.
Another way to create a Sale Payment is to add a payment from the Sales details screen
Firstly go on the Sales screen and click directly on the sale you want to pay to.
Once you are in the Sale details screen you can Add a Payment by clicking the button on the right top and then follow the same flow as above.