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Explains special terms in ProdSys

Updated over 4 months ago


A product is and article type that being used to manufacture and sell a product that always consist of other articles like materials, hrs and other cost items.

In general we say Product is manufactured and sold by the company. For this the product does not have a purchase price only and storage price.

Product template:

And product template is a template with a product containing price qty description etc and also have connected articles that contain cost and hrs.

The product template can then be added to the order line and automatically adds connected articles.


Article are used as sales article or consumption article in a manufacturing business.

When used on order article level they will be consumption for the manufactured product

This can be material, hrs or other cost related articles.


Assets or tools that are used in the business for various operational purposes, such as manufacturing, production, maintenance, or service delivery. Managing equipment in an ERP system helps organizations keep track of their machinery, tools, and other resources that are critical to their day-to-day operations

Equipment list can also contain customer tagged equipment.


This is a common definition of all type of contacts like Customer, Supplier, Prodspect, Employee and contact persons.

Coverage %

Is used to measure the profitability of products or services. It represents the percentage of sales revenue remaining after covering the cost of goods sold (COGS) and helps businesses understand how much is left to cover fixed costs and generate profit.

Coverage %= (( Sales price − Cost price )​ / Sales price ) × 100


Is the portion of sales revenue that remains after covering variable costs. It represents how much revenue is contributing to covering fixed costs and generating profit.

Contribution = Sales price − Cost price

Markup %

The advance can be expressed both in currency amount and as a percentage of the cost price. When expressed as a percentage, it is calculated as:

Markup% =( Selling price−Cost price) / Cost price ) x 100

Markup gives an indication of how much profit a company earns from each sale, and is an important measure for evaluating the profitability of a business.


A placeholder will return data from the system to reports, forms or code or anywhere placeholder are used. Example {OrdreNo} will return the order no on the current order.

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