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Product Templates

Step-by-Step Guide: Product Template List in ProdSys

Updated over 5 months ago

In ProdSys, the Product Template List allows users to view and manage all product templates within the system. These templates are used to streamline the creation and management of products, ensuring consistency in product configuration and pricing. Below is a step-by-step guide to understanding and using this screen effectively.

Access the Product Templates

Step 1: Understanding the Product Template List Overview

The main part of the screen shows a list of all product templates available in the system. This table includes important information about each product template:

  • Category: The product category (e.g., material type or product group).

  • Group: The group under which the product belongs (e.g., product type).

  • Product Number: A unique identifier for the product template, which also functions as a hyperlink. Clicking on the product number allows you to edit the template.

  • Template Description: A short description of the product template.

  • Qty: The quantity of the product available or specified in the template.

  • Unit: The unit of measurement for the product (e.g., pcs, meters, etc.).

  • Unit Price: The price per unit of the product.

  • Currency: The currency used for the product pricing.

  • Discount: Any discount applied to the product.

  • Material: Information about the material used.

  • Dimensions (Width, Height, Length, Thickness): The physical dimensions of the product.

  • Total: The total value based on quantity and unit price.

  • KDG %: The contribution margin percentage.

  • DG %: The gross margin percentage.

  • Product Master: A checkbox indicating whether the product is a master template.

  • Distribution, Department: Additional fields to categorize the product.

  • Internal Note: Notes or comments related to the product template for internal use.

Step 2: Using Filters and Searching

At the top of the table, you can use the search fields and filters to quickly locate specific templates. You can filter by:

  • Category

  • Group

  • Product Number

  • Material

  • Unit Price

  • And other fields

This functionality allows users to quickly find and narrow down product templates based on specific criteria.

Step 3: Editing Product Templates

To edit a product template:

  • Click on the Product Number hyperlink in the list. This will open All product templates for this Product in an editable format.

  • Once in the edit screen, you can adjust various fields such as quantity, unit price, material, and dimensions.

Step 4: Understanding the Bottom Section – Article Overview

The bottom part of the screen provides an overview of articles related to the selected product template. This includes:

  • Article Number: The unique identifier for the article.

  • Description: A brief description of the article.

  • Qty: The quantity available or included in the product.

  • Price: The price associated with the article.

This section helps to quickly view which articles are linked to the selected product template.

Step 5: Navigating Through Pages

At the bottom of the product list, you will see pagination controls (e.g., 1, 2, 3…). You can use these to navigate through multiple pages of product templates.


The Product Template List in ProdSys provides a comprehensive overview of all product templates in the system, with easy navigation and filtering options to manage templates efficiently. The clickable product numbers allow for quick access to editing, ensuring that you can make necessary updates to the templates as your business needs evolve.

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