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Workstation Calendars
Workstation Calendars

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Workstation Calendars in ProdSys

Updated over 6 months ago

Workstation Calendars

In ProdSys, creating a workstation calendar is essential for scheduling work shifts and tracking availability for production stations or work units. This ensures that workstation availability is correctly managed, optimizing production scheduling and resource allocation. Follow the steps below to create and assign workstation calendars in ProdSys:

Step 1: Log in to ProdSys

  1. Log in to ProdSys: Start by logging into your ProdSys account with your username and password.

  2. Navigate to Calendar Settings: From the main menu, go to "System/Settings/Calendars."

The Work Calendar in ProdSys is a crucial tool for scheduling and managing working hours, capacity, and time rules for workstations or employees. Below is a breakdown of the various sections and fields found in the Work Calendar screen:


  1. Date Grid (Left Section) This section displays the detailed calendar information for each date in the selected period. Here, users can input or view specific data for individual days.

  2. Calendar List (Right Section) This section provides a list of all available calendars that are already created in the system. You can filter and select a specific calendar from this list for editing or viewing.

  3. Period and Control Panel (Top Right) This is where users can define the calendar period. You can choose a start date and an end date for the calendar, and navigate through different years. There’s also a "Days" counter which shows how many days are covered within the selected period.

  4. Capacity Chart (Bottom Right) A graphical representation of the available capacity (hours worked, production capacity, etc.) per month. It helps users visually understand the distribution of work capacity across the selected period.


  1. Date Displays the date for each entry. This field allows the user to navigate specific dates in the calendar. Dates can also be colored or highlighted depending on their type (e.g., holidays, weekends, special dates).

  2. Hours Shows the number of hours scheduled for work on that particular date. For example, a full workday might show 7.5 hours, while a non-working day may show 0 hours.

  3. Capacity Refers to the available production or work capacity on that date, typically shown as a percentage (e.g., 100%, 80%). It represents how much of the station’s or employee’s total capacity is being utilized.

  4. Time Rule Defines the working rule for that date (e.g., "Dagtid" for daytime work or other shift patterns). It’s particularly relevant for shift-based calendars, allowing users to set specific time blocks or work shifts.

  5. Note This field is for any additional notes or comments related to that date. For example, a public holiday may have a note stating, "Første nyttårsdag" (New Year's Day).


  • Calendar Name: You can select a specific calendar from the list on the right (e.g., "Dagtid" or "Electro"). The calendar's name helps to identify which work calendar is being applied.

  • Calendar Type: This indicates whether the calendar is a "Personal Calendar" or "Station Calendar," providing clarity on whether the calendar is meant for individuals or workstations.

  • + New Calendar: This button allows you to create a new calendar by setting up working hours, time rules, and other calendar parameters for a new period or unit.

  • Navigation: There are date selectors at the top that allow users to choose a specific start and end date for the calendar. You can also move through different years or expand the period to include more days.

  • Capacity Chart: The bar chart at the bottom right offers a monthly breakdown of the available capacity, making it easy to see work or production loads over time.

This interface allows for efficient management and visualization of work schedules, helping users ensure balanced workloads and adherence to set time rules or capacities.

Step 2: Create a New Workstation Calendar

  1. New Calendar: In the Work Calendars page, click the “+ New Calendar” button to create a new workstation calendar.

  2. Name the Calendar: Enter a name for the calendar (e.g., "Workstation A Calendar" or "Shift Calendar for Line 1"). This name will help you identify the calendar later when assigning it to a workstation.

  3. Select Type: Choose "Workstation Calendar."

  4. Edit Calendar: Click the Action menu (three dots) and select "Update."

  5. Select Period: Choose the start and end date for the calendar period.

Step 3: Set the Work Week

  1. Set the Work Hours: Define the working hours for each day of the week (e.g., Monday to Friday).

  2. Set Available Capacity %: Enter the percentage of the workstation's available capacity for production (e.g., 100% or 80%).

  3. Time Rules: For workstation calendars, time rules are mandatory. Define the time rules to ensure accuracy in scheduling and resource allocation. These time rules will dictate the shift patterns and work hours assigned to the workstation.

Step 4: Set Shift Rotation (Optional)

To set up a shift plan with rotating work weeks:

  1. Insert Week: Enter the number of weeks to be worked (e.g., "Insert week = 3" for three weeks on).

  2. Skip Week: Enter the number of weeks to skip (e.g., "Skip Week = 1" for one week off after three weeks on).

  3. Repeat: The system will apply this rotation to the rest of the selected calendar period.

Step 5: Specify Holidays (Optional)

  1. Manual Holiday Entry: Add public holidays or company-specific non-working days by selecting the date and marking it as non-working.

  2. Automatic Holiday Application:
    a. Click the Action menu (three dots) and select "Regional Calendars."
    b. Choose the appropriate period and country, then click "Update" to automatically apply public holidays from the selected country to the calendar (if available).

Step 6: Assign Workstation Calendar to a Workstation

  1. Go to Workstation Management: Navigate to the specific workstation settings in the system.

  2. Select a Workstation: Choose the workstation you want to assign the calendar to.

  3. Assign the Calendar: In the workstation profile, locate the "Work Calendar" section and select the calendar you created from the dropdown list.

Step 7: Customize Workstation-Specific Calendars (Optional)

  1. Override Specific Days: If a workstation requires custom scheduling (e.g., for maintenance or downtime), you can manually adjust the working hours for specific days by editing the workstation calendar directly.

  2. Add Custom Exceptions: Add exceptions such as maintenance days or company-wide events that affect workstation availability.

Step 8: Review and Manage Workstation Calendars

  1. Review Calendar Assignments: You can review the calendar assignments for all workstations in the "Work Calendar Overview" section.

  2. Update as Needed: Workstation calendars can be updated at any time to reflect changes in production schedules, shifts, or resource availability.

Step 9: Track Workstation Utilization

  1. Capacity Tracking: The workstation calendar will now be used to track workstation availability and production scheduling, ensuring that working hours are adhered to.

  2. Reports: Generate reports on workstation availability, utilization, and any deviations from the assigned work calendar through the Production Management module.


By following these steps, you can efficiently create and assign workstation calendars in ProdSys. This helps in optimizing production schedules, managing resource availability, and ensuring that workstations are utilized effectively. Regular updates to these calendars ensure that workstation time is tracked accurately, contributing to better workflow and productivity.

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