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Bid per source
Selfie avatar
Written by Selfie
Updated over a week ago

The Bid-Per-Source feature allows you to define different bids for different sources when optimizing your campaign.

You can customize a bid for any source you want, based on that source’s performance in your campaign.

Here’s how it works:

  • Raise your bids for valuable sources to receive more converting traffic

  • Lower the price for less performing sources to reduce the volume of traffic you receive from them

  • Pause under-performing sources

Get started with Bid-Per-Source:

In order to use Bid-Per-Source, go to a specific campaign:

Then go to the ‘Source’ tab, click on the button in the ‘Your Bid’ column to raise or lower your bid. There is no need to save the updated bid as it’ll be saved immediately.

When you edit a campaign, you’ll receive a note indicating that your campaign includes specific bids per source.

Please note! Setting a custom bid on a source will override the default campaign’s bid.

Once a specific bid per source has been set, any change made to the campaign’s bid will no longer affect it. All the sources will get the default bid on a given campaign, except for the sources you’ve edited manually.
Those sources will always have the manually set bid value.

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