If you notice that products are missing from your order, please carefully check the packaging box and your emails. Since we only ship fresh and consumable products, it is possible that we removed certain items from your order if they were no longer fresh. In such cases, we automatically issue a refund, and you will receive a refund confirmation email.
How to report missing items:
If you are certain that items are missing from your order, please contact our customer service as soon as possible with the following details:
Your order number
The missing product(s) and quantity
A photo of the packaging box, including the visible shipping label
A photo of all received products
Once we receive this information, we will work quickly to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.
Will missing items be automatically resent?
Missing items are not automatically reshipped. Our customer service team will assess each case individually to determine whether a replacement or refund is possible. If you prefer a refund, please let us know. Refunds will be processed using the payment method you selected at checkout.
If the product is currently out of stock, you can enable the “Notify Me” option on the product page. We will inform you as soon as the item becomes available again.
All claims regarding missing or incorrect items must be submitted within 7 days of the delivery date.