When do I get paid?
Updated over a week ago

Your money should be in your Spring account within three working days of dropping off your device at a Pod or 24 hours from us receiving it in our warehouse.

You can check this by logging in to your Spring account at spring.co.uk, clicking on the person icon (top right) and logging in using the same email you used to order your pouch or log in at the Pod.

Once you've been paid, the money will be in the 'Your Funds' section of your Spring account. You'll also be able to add payment methods in this section for when you're ready to withdraw your money.

You can withdraw the funds or make a donation to charity โ€“ it just a couple of clicks.

Been waiting longer than 5 days?

If there's nothing in your 'Your Funds' page and you've been waiting longer than five days, just let us know and we'll get it sorted for you ASAP.

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