How and when do I get paid?
Updated over a week ago

Usually within 24 hours of receiving your tech, we'll let you know your Final Value.

On some occasions this can take up to 3 days but it is usually one. Once it's been paid, you'll find your money in 'Your Funds', which you can find in your 'Account' section.

To withdraw your money from your Spring account, you'll just need to add your payment details.

If it's been more than five days since you deposited in our Pod or sent your item and you've not heard from us please get in touch and we'll look into what's happening asap for you.

How soon will my money be in my bank account?

After you withdraw it, the payment should be in your bank account pretty instantly (but it can take up to 3 days, depending on your bank).

How to donate your funds to charity

We give you the option to donate some or all of your money to charity. Choose from a range of good causes like Barnardo's, The Climate Coalition, WaterAid, Computer Aid or Amnesty International and Power 2 Connect. We’ll even chip in an extra 5% for your chosen charity to say 'thank you'.

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