Columns are the building blocks of database tables. A column has a name and a datatype. Primary key columns have a "Not NULL" constraint enabled by default.
Create column
You can create columns in the following ways:
• Through table edit mode.
Enter edit mode by double-clicking on your table or pressing the Enter key once a table is selected. Enter the column name and datatype (and length) in the inputs. Select the"Not NULL" constraint if applicable.
Columns that are represented above the solid line will be created as primary keys.
• In table properties
Click the "Plus" icon in the "Columns" section of the table properties. Enter the column details.
• By table context menu
Click the "Add Column" option
• By table context menu
Select table and click "Ins" on the keyboard
• By column context menu in Database Explorer
Click the "Create new" option
• Using bottom menu
Click the "Create new column" button
Move and copy a column
For moving columns between tables, select the column (Ctrl+Click to select multiple) in the table and drag it to the target table.
Columns can also be copied.
You can use it both for a table and between tables.
Press the "Ctrl" key while dragging to Copy (otherwise the action will move the columns).
Column properties
Click on a column in Database explorer, column name on the diagram, or column name in table properties.
See the following options for the Column tab:
Logical name
Physical name
Use quotes
Allow nulls
Create a logical name for the top-level design of your project. Use logical view mode to see it. If you change logical name first time after column creation, the system changes physical name accordingly. For more details about Logical view mode see Logical Modeling article.
You may set the physical name in the Name input. Use the override button to inherit the physical name from the logical name. Physical name may be affected by Naming convention rules.
"Use quotes" affects DDL generation during Forward Engineering. If selected, quotes will be included.
Manually add the data type or use autocomplete, and modify the 'Allow Nulls' checkbox as needed. By default, primary key columns have the constraint applied and the checkbox is unmarked and disabled.
Option tab may contain different values depending on your DB/DW type.
All DB/DW has "Visibility". For details, refer to Snowflake Tables -> Visibility
See also: