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Azure Synapse Analytics Tables
Azure Synapse Analytics Tables

Maintain Azure Synapse-specific table properties

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Written by SqlDBM Support
Updated over a week ago

Structure Options

Choose the option in dropdown list:

• Clustered columnctore index

• Heap

• Clustered index

• None

Clustered columnstore index

Stores the table as a clustered columnstore index. The clustered columnstore index applies to all of the table data. This behavior is the default for Azure Synapse Analytics.


Stores the table as a heap. This behavior is the default for Parallel Data Warehouse.

Clustered index

CLUSTERED INDEX ( index_column_name [ ,...n ] )
Stores the table as a clustered index with one or more key columns. This behavior stores the data by row. Use index_column_name to specify the name of one or more key columns in the index. For more information, see Rowstore Tables in the General Remarks.

Distribution Options

See dropdown list with these options:

• Round Robin

• Replicate

• Hush

• none


DISTRIBUTION = HASH( distribution_column_name ) Assigns each row to one distribution by hashing the value stored in distribution_column_name. The algorithm is deterministic, which means it always hashes the same value to the same distribution. The distribution column should be defined as NOT NULL because all rows that have NULL are assigned to the same distribution.

Round Robin

DISTRIBUTION = ROUND_ROBIN Distributes the rows evenly across all the distributions in a round-robin fashion. This behavior is the default for Azure Synapse Analytics.


DISTRIBUTION = REPLICATE Stores one copy of the table on each Compute node. For Azure Synapse Analytics the table is stored on a distribution database on each Compute node. For Parallel Data Warehouse, the table is stored in a SQL Server filegroup that spans the Compute node. This behavior is the default for Parallel Data Warehouse.

Partition Options

Here you can see

• Select Member option

• Set Value option

• Select left or right option

PARTITION ( partition_column_name RANGE [ LEFT | RIGHT ] FOR VALUES ( [ boundary_value [,...n] ] ))
Creates one or more table partitions. These partitions are horizontal table slices that allow you to apply operations to subsets of rows regardless of whether the table is stored as a heap, clustered index, or clustered columnstore index. Unlike the distribution column, table partitions don't determine the distribution where each row is stored. Instead, table partitions determine how the rows are grouped and stored within each distribution.


Choose column name in the dropdown list



Specifies the column that Azure Synapse Analytics will use to partition the rows. This column can be any data type. Azure Synapse Analytics sorts the partition column values in ascending order. The low-to-high ordering goes from LEFT to RIGHT in the RANGE specification.


Specifies the boundary value belongs to the partition on the left (lower values). The default is LEFT.


Specifies the boundary value belongs to the partition on the right (higher values).

FOR VALUES ( boundary_value [,...n] )

Specifies the boundary values for the partition. boundary_value is a constant expression. It can't be NULL. It must either match or be implicitly convertible to the data type of partition_column_name. It can't be truncated during implicit conversion so that the size and scale of the value don't match the data type of partition_column_name

Place the value in the multi-input, choose a direction (left or right) and click the "Add" button.

-- **************** SqlDBM: Azure Synapse Analytics *****************
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-- ************************************** [Fact_Customer_Orders]

CREATE TABLE [Fact_Customer_Orders]
[OrderId] int NOT NULL,
[SupplierId] int NOT NULL,
[ProductId] int NOT NULL,
[Price] decimal NOT NULL,
[Quantity] int NOT NULL,
[Profit] decimal NOT NULL,
[Date] datetime NOT NULL
PARTITION ( [Date] RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ( '2019-01-01', '2019-08-01', '2019-09-01', '2019-10-01', '2019-02-01', '2019-11-01', '2019-12-01', '2019-03-01', '2019-04-01', '2019-05-01', '2019-06-01', '2019-07-01' ) )

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