This feature may not be available by default and might need to be enabled upon request. Please contact your account manager for more information.
Object flagging is a governance feature that allows users to flag columns and database objects for later filtering and identification. Create custom flags like "PII" or "Financial" and apply them to applicable columns or objects (tables, views, functions, etc.) that contain such information.
Flagged objects are then searchable and filterable on the Diagrams, Database Documentation, and Database Explorer.
Multiple flags can be assigned to the same object.
When the models are implemented in Snowflake database, Tags can also be used. Tags are physical objects that act as metadata labels for other database assets enabling easier management, organization, and control of data within the Snowflake environment. For more information on tags, check the article in the reference section.
Review Available Flags
Flags can be accessed from the Database Explorer screen in the corresponding object tree:
Every project comes with twelve standard flags and their corresponding icon/color. They are:
Flags cannot be created or deleted but can be renamed according to project needs.
Flag Properties
Users can change the flag name and review a list of objects with a given tag by selecting it from the Database Explorer screen and focusing on the right-hand panel.
Name: change default flag name to something project-specific
Flagged Objects: a list of all objects and underlying columns flagged with a given value.
Bring Flagged Objects: after reviewing the list of objects, use this button to bring all objects flagged with a given value to the diagram.
Flagging objects on diagrams
Assign existing flags to objects from the diagram or using object properties.
From the diagram
Right-click on any object on the diagram and select a flag from the "Add Flag" menu.
Highlighting a column before a right-click will allow flag assignment for that column instead of the entire table.
Using object properties
Select any object (table, column, procedure, etc.) to open its properties in the right-hand panel.
Expand the "Flags" section, type in the flag's name, and select from the matching suggestions.
Search and filter by flag
Once flags have been assigned to objects, those objects become searchable and filterable within your project.
Search by Flag
Find all objects assigned to a given flag by using the search bar in the Database Explorer screen.
Individual columns will be shown under the corresponding table if flagged.
Filter by Flag
Users can filter the objects displayed on a diagram using the "Objects Filter" option in "Diagram Properties," available in the right-hand panel of any diagram (click on an empty spot on the canvas in case an object was previously selected).
Enter the name of the flag to apply it. Multiple flags can be applied at once, and only objects matching all of them will be displayed.
Note that the filter works at the object level (table, view, procedure, etc.). If a column contains a flag but the parent table does not, the filter will hide the entire table.
Filtering by object color is also possible using this option.
Flagging objects in Database Documentation
Flags can also be maintained from the Database Documentation screen.
Click the "+" icon to add a flag to a column or table or the "x" icon to remove a standing flag.
Flagging objects in Excel
Flags can also be maintained from the Excel export/import function in Database Documentation.
Enter flags next to corresponding objects as a comma-separated list.