Note: Both client and writer must have Taplio account with paid subscription in order to use the collaboration feature.
Writer mode
In order to be able to write posts for your clients, you need to have their personal link, so you can add them to your client list or push the content to them directly by visiting their personal link.
They can find their personal link in the client mode and share it with you.
Once you have their personal link, paste it into your browser and you will be presented with their Taplio profile.
From there, you can add them to your client list, so you can easily push content to this creator next time you log into Taplio.
Once you've added them to your client list, you can head over to the Writer mode, Your Clients and click on the "New Post" button to start writing the post for them.
Once you write a post, click on the "Push to client" button to send the post to them for validation.
Once you've pushed a post to them, you can head over to the Writer mode, All Content section and you will be able to see all content you've created for all clients.
Or you can click on "All creators" dropdown menu and select the client if you want to see the content you've created for a specific client.
From All content section, you can also see the status of posts you pushed to your clients.
1. Client requested revision of the post.
2. Client validated the content(approved the post).
3. Post is pending client validation.
4. Preview post - You can click on the preview icon and see the details of the post as well as any comments made by you or your client as shown in above screenshots.
5. Edit Post - You can click on the edit icon, modify the post and push it to the client.
Client mode
If you want other creators to write posts for you, you need to share your Custom Link with them. Once they receive your custom link, they will be able to add you as client and/or push content to you.
Once they push content to you, you will receive an email notifying you that new content has been pushed to you by a specific writer. From there, you will be able to open Taplio and see all content in the client mode section.
You as client can:
1. Preview the post, add any comments to it and:
Ask for a revision
Approve the post - Approved posts will stay in the collaboration as drafts until you schedule them.
2. Edit the post and then use the "Post now" option to publish it immediately or "Add to Queue" option to add them to the first available slot in your queue.
3. Add to Queue - Immediately add to the next available slot in your queue.
4. Directly approve the post without leaving any comments.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to us by using the support button in the sidebar menu to contact us through the app or email us at