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All CollectionsAccount Rules
Restrictions on using Wallex
Restrictions on using Wallex
Updated over 5 months ago

You must not use the Wallex Service for any of the following:

  • For any illegal purpose, including fraud and money laundering, and for any purpose prohibited by regulation, statute, ordinance, or other governmental or regulatory limitation;

  • For any debt-collection purpose;

  • To circumvent merchant restrictions or obtain goods or services without paying;

  • For commercial speculative trading purposes;

  • To manipulate the price of any asset or currency;

  • In any manner likely to result in complaints, reversals, chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties, or other liability to Wallex, other users, third parties, or yourself;

  • To provide yourself with a cash advance from your credit card, or help others to do so;

  • In any manner which results in a negative balance in any currency;

  • To burden or overload our infrastructure, facilitate any viruses, malware, malicious code or other form of IT attack or attempt to gain access to our systems and information;

  • To interfere with the Wallex Service in any manner;

  • To copy or reproduce our content or services in any manner;

  • To interfere with our third party providers in any manner;

  • To test credit card behaviours;

  • To circumvent our policies and procedures;

  • For use with any automatic trading, API, crawler scripts, or other methods inconsistent with ordinary use of the Wallex Service;

  • For the purpose of crowdfunding, or receiving the proceeds of a crowdfunding campaign;

  • To harass our employees, agents, or other users; and

  • To trade FX for speculative purposes or FX arbitrage.

  • We may, at any time and in our sole discretion, refuse any transfer, purchase, sale, or transfer of an Asset submitted via the Services, impose limits or impose any other conditions or restrictions upon your use of the Services.

  • Limits: Your account will be subject to general limits on transactional activity, unless limits are upgraded. Should you wish to know your account limits, you can do so by contacting our team via the chat on the platform.

Wallex Remedies

  • If you breach these Terms in any manner or we suspect you may have breached these Terms, we may, in our sole discretion, take the following actions:

  • Close, suspend, or limit your access to your Wallex Profile, your Wallex Account or your Wallex Card;

  • Contact and/or warn third parties in connection with your actions, including other users, your bank or card issuer, law enforcement or regulatory bodies;

  • Refuse to complete transactions;

  • Fully or partially reverse a transaction or exchange; and

  • Pursue legal action against you.

Account Closure

You may close your Wallex Profile and Wallex Account at any time with us for any reason by contacting us. However, you may not close your Wallex Profile or Wallex Account while Wallex is conducting an investigation into your use of the Wallex Service, or while you have a remaining balance on your Wallex Account. Even if your Wallex Profile is closed, you will remain liable for any actions taken through your Wallex Profile prior to closure.

Nothing in this paragraph affects any legal rights you may have under the law of the country in which you are resident.

Account Suspension and Termination by Wallex

We may end or suspend your use of the Wallex Service without notice to you, at any time, and with immediate effect in the following circumstances:

  • Where you have provided us with false or misleading information;

  • Where we determine, in our sole discretion, that your use of your Wallex Profile, Wallex Account is, or might potentially be, detrimental or harmful to Wallex in any manner;

  • Where you have breached these Terms or engaged in any restricted activity;

  • Where we suspect you have breached these Terms or otherwise acted fraudulently, including during the AML/KYC verification process;

  • Where we are required to do so to comply with a court order, law, regulation, regulatory decree or ombudsman’s orders;

  • Where you have been declared bankrupt; and

  • Where you have been declared deceased.

  • In our sole discretion.

We exclude all liability for any losses incurred where we have suspended an account in accordance with this paragraph. Wallex is not required and may be prohibited by law to provide any further information regarding your account closure or suspension.

If we suspect that you are in breach of these Terms, our Privacy Policy, any other applicable terms to your account or any applicable laws and regulations, you agree that we may suspend your account and freeze any available funds in it, and/or temporarily or permanently restrict your access to some or all of our services.

You agree to waive any rights to claims arising from your account suspension in accordance with this clause.

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