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How to set or Change a Profile Picture to my Profile in Wallex App?
How to set or Change a Profile Picture to my Profile in Wallex App?
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Guide for Web App

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Navigate to the top right corner and click on the profile icon.

  3. Select [Profile Settings].

  4. Make sure that you are in [General] section.

  5. Click on the [Select photo] button to choose your desired image for upload.

  6. Finish the process by clicking the [Save changes] button to confirm.

Guide for Mobile App

  1. Log in to your Wallex App.

  2. Navigate to the top right corner and click on the profile icon.

  3. Tap on the first field where your name and email are displayed.

  4. Click on the [Pencil] icon.

  5. Next, choose one of the options to update your photo.

  6. Once you set up your profile picture it will appear on your login page.

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