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Account Profile Setup

The basics of setting up your profile to start utilizing your software

Chloe Helton avatar
Written by Chloe Helton
Updated over a week ago

Account Profile Settings

In order for your new system to operate smoothly, it’s important to enter your profile information. You should have been prompted to fill out this information when logging in for the first time. Here is how you can update that information.

Updating Account Profile

Start at the ACCOUNT PROFILE Icon, and click the SETTINGS Sub-tab.

You will then be redirected to an area called BASIC INFORMATION. This is where you will need to fill out all of the prompted fields. This information will be used throughout various campaigns in your account.

  • FIRST NAME - Enter your first name here

  • LAST NAME - Enter your last name here

  • PHONE NUMBER - Enter the number you'd like to be linked to your account

  • TITLE - Enter your title in your company

  • COMPANY - Enter your business-friendly company name

  • INDUSTRY - Select the best classification of your business activities

  • STREET ADDRESS- Enter the street address of your business

  • STATE - Enter the state where your business is located in

  • CITY - Enter the city where your business is located in

  • ZIP - Enter the zip code where your business is located in

  • COUNTRY - Country your business is located

  • AFFILIATE LINK- add an affiliate link here if applicable

Personal Phone Settings

This is an optional profile setting that allows you to configure a quick and simple inbound call flow. You can access your personal phone settings by navigating to the associated tab

Note: You cannot use your personal phone settings until a phone number is purchased and registered in Trust Hub

  • DIRECT NUMBER - the number selected here will automatically be assigned to the account

  • OUTBOUND PHONE SETTINGS - the number selected here will be the default number used when contacting leads

  • DIRECT NUMBER CALL RECORDING - enabling this will allow you to record and listen to inbound calls made to your direct number

  • OUTBOUND CALL RECORDING - enabling this will allow you to record and listen to all outbound calls made with this number

  • INBOUND CALL SETTINGS - this setting will determine whether inbound calls stay inside of the account's browser or if they will be forwarded to another number

  • FORWARD NUMBER - if you selected one of the forwarding options inside of your inbound call settings, this is the number that inbound calls will be forwarded to

  • VOICEMAIL - this is where you can personalize the voicemail that plays for your direct number

  • SMS NOTIFICATION - this is a feature that will send a link to your selected number (s) that will allow you to respond to any inbound message from outside of the system

Email Notification Settings

This area of your profile settings allows you to customize your email signature as well as SMS and email notifications

  • SIGNATURE: choose "yes" if you would like to include a signature in your emails. Be sure to add a signature image as well as any necessary company information

  • EMAIL READ NOTIFICATION BY: Receive a notification (either SMS or Email) when your emails have been read. *This will deduct credits according to your credit rates*

  • UNSUBSCRIBE CONFIRMATION TEXT MESSAGE: Choosing "yes" will send an automatic text message to a lead confirming they have been successfully unsubscribed when they choose to unsubscribe via SMS. Write your own verbiage in the text box.

  • UNSUBSCRIBE CONFIRMATION EMAIL: Choose to receive an email notification when a lead unsubscribes. Type in the email address where you would like to receive the notification.

Update Password

This allows you to change your account password 

Note: Please contact the support team for any changes you'd like to make regarding your account email.


Click the “SUBMIT” button to complete your profile.

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