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Outbound Email Configurations

An overview of all of our available email setting options

Chloe Helton avatar
Written by Chloe Helton
Updated over a week ago

Email Settings

An email configuration is required to send any emails from your account. You will be prompted to complete these settings every time you log in until it is done. Below you will find an overview of each option to help you decide which is best for you.


SendGrid is the API configuration that we will recommend customers use 9 times out of 10. They experience the least amount of issues when it comes to blasts and their emails are rarely flagged by spam detectors. If you will be doing a lot of email campaigns then this option is definitely the best for you.

The only downside is that free accounts can only send up to 100 emails a day. You will have to upgrade to one of their paid plans to increase this amount. For more details, you can check out their pricing page HERE.

To configure with Sendgrid you can follow our detailed instruction guide.


Amazon is a good choice if you are already registered with their email service as it is relatively simple to set up and use. Your email limit is set at 200 per day with the maximum sending rate of 1 email a second.

This setting option is best if you will only be using our drip feature or sending manual emails.

To configure with Amazon you can follow our detailed instruction guide.


Both of these configurations are relatively the same. They are our easiest API options to set up. However, they can be very restrictive when it comes to blasts and emails sent from these APIs run into the most issues with spam detectors.

Gsuite allows you to send up to 2,000 emails a day while Outlook allows up to 1,000.
To configure with either of these options you simply need to select the connect button and login to your Gsuite/Outlook account.

Custom SMTP

This configuration allows you to connect to any SMTP server using their server credentials. This is the best option for users whose email isn't hosted by Amazon, Gsuite, or Outlook and who don't want to sync it to Sendgrid.

You will need to ask your domain host for details on their email limit.

If you need assistance getting the necessary server credentials to your email, please contact our support team and they'd be happy to assist you. These credentials differ for every domain.

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