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Business Profiles

Common questions regarding Business Profiles

Chloe Helton avatar
Written by Chloe Helton
Updated over a week ago

What are Business Profiles?

For our phone carrier to truly understand our customers and how you use our platform, they require information from our customers about their business.

We ask our customers to provide us with their business information. This includes a business name, a physical address, an authorized representative, their Business Identification Numbers, etc. This information is gathered into a Business Profile inside our phone carrier's database.

Profile Screening

After a Business Profile has been submitted, it is forwarded to our phone carrier and reviewed by their team. This process can take up to 72 hours. Their team will confirm the supplied business information and then approve or reject the submission. We will notify you via email about the outcome of the process and the status of the Business Profile.

Note: During this process, our phone carrier may reach out to the authorized representatives included in your Business Profiles to confirm your business identity.

My business profile was rejected. What should I do?

A Business Profile submission will be rejected in certain circumstances. For example, our phone carrier may not be able to validate some of the information included in the request. If this occurs with your submission, please be reassured that you can reach out to our support team for further assistance at any time.

What is the difference between a Starter and Standard profiles?

Starter Profile

Standard Profile

Registration Cost


$44 one-time fee for Brand, monthly Campaign cost varies by use case

Number of Phone Numbers Permitted


Up to 50 by default, unlimited with a valid A2P registration

SMS Limite Per Day



Messages Per Second



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