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All CollectionsCampaigns - Automate Your Outreach
How to Set Up and Launch Effective Campaigns
How to Set Up and Launch Effective Campaigns

The campaigns feature allows you to automate and optimize your outreach efforts using pre-defined sequences of activities.

Melissa Letourneau avatar
Written by Melissa Letourneau
Updated over a week ago

The Campaigns feature allows sales teams to automate and optimize their outreach efforts, including power connect, ringless voicemails, text messages, and emails. By using pre-defined sequences of outreach activities, or "Campaigns," sales teams can personalize their outreach and improve the effectiveness of their efforts.

There are two methods of sending in the Campaigns feature: broadcast and drip sequences.

Broadcast is a one-time send of a Campaign to a group of prospects. This is useful for time-sensitive messages or for reaching out to a large group of prospects all at once.

Drip sequences, on the other hand, involve sending a series of messages to prospects over a period of time. This can be useful for nurturing leads or for maintaining ongoing communication with prospects. However, it's important to note that drip sequences can only be sent to new leads as they are added to a group. In order to use drip sequences, you'll need to segment your leads into groups, and then set up a drip sequence Campaign for each group.

Some benefits of using Campaigns include:

Streamlining and automating outreach: With Campaigns, you can set up automated sequences of outreach activities tailored to specific types of prospects or sales situations. This can save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks, and allow you to focus on more high-value activities.

Personalizing outreach: Campaigns allow you to customize outreach to individual prospects, including through the use of customizable templates and personalization tags. This can make your outreach more relevant and engaging, and increase the likelihood of success.

Improving the effectiveness of outreach: By tracking and analyzing the performance of your Campaigns, you can identify what's working and what's not, and make adjustments to improve your results. The platform provides insights and recommendations to help you optimize your Campaigns and achieve better results.

How to Set it Up

1. From the navigation menu, select "Campaigns" and then click the "Campaigns" sub tab and then click the "Add Campaign" Plus Icon.

2. This page will be the basic information for your new campaign. Enter the appropriate information:

  • NAME your campaign

  • Pick the appropriate TIME ZONES

  • Select the GROUPS that will be associated with this campaign. This will include the groups in which contacts already exist or will be added for out going message and automations. You can add or remove groups at any time, but at least 1 group must be associated with this campaign.

  • Select the TAGS you want associated with this campaign. Tags are optional, this is not a required field. The purpose of tags is to target only leads with the specified tags with in the groups you have selected. For this to work you will need to have the tag created and tagged on leads throughout the group selected. This campaign will only send messages and automations to those leads containing the specified tags entered here.

  • Select the TAGS you want this campaign to SKIP. This will do the opposite of what has been described above. Leads containing the skip lead tags entered here that are in the groups associated with this campaign will not receive outgoing messages or automations. This field is also optional.

  • Select your FROM SETTING TYPE for drip sequences. Selecting DEFAULT means drip sequence messages will send only from the phone number and email selected below. Selecting AUTOMATIC will send drip sequence messages using the email and phone number of the user (team member or manager) who added the lead into the drip sequence.

  • Select your FROM EMAIL. You must have your email settings configured in order to be able to select a from email from this drop down. If you do not intend to send emails using this campaign, this field is not required. You may also add or change the email address at anytime.

  • Select your campaign PHONE NUMBER. Phone numbers are required in order to send voicemails and text messages, also to accept incoming calls or make outgoing calls from this campaign. You must have purchased and available phone number in order for it to appear in this drop down. Only one phone number may be associated with this campaign. You can change this phone number at any time, but be advised removing the phone number selected may cause a disruption in your campaign reports associated with the attached phone number. Once you save this new campaign, you will have the ability to create inbound call handling in the inbound call settings associated with this campaign.

  • Select CALL RECORDING ON or OFF. If you want calls into this campaign to be recorded select ON.

  • Select your THROTTLE settings. Throttle and time constraints work together to control the speed and time frame at which automated messages will be sent. This setting controls your broadcast campaigns, drip messaging, and messages sent using the campaign automations. For example, if you add 100 leads into your drip sequence, and your throttle is set to send 25 messages every 15 minutes, it will take 1 hour for all 100 of those leads to receive the associated message. Note that you may adjust the throttle settings at any time but the adjusted settings will only apply on future messages and future campaigns that have not yet been scheduled under the existing throttle settings.

  • Select your TIME CONSTRAINTS. Time constraints control the hours during the day, and the days of the week you want the campaign to be active. The selected time zone will govern the time selected here. The FROM TIME and TO TIME will govern when messaging for your scheduled broadcasts, drip sequences and automations will deploy, at the throttle speed selected above. For example, let's say your campaign hours are 8 AM to 12 PM, and you skip Saturday and Sundays. You then decide to add the same 100 leads from the example under the throttle constraints above to a drip sequence on Saturday afternoon around 3 PM. Those 100 leads will be batched out (using your selected throttle settings) to be sent starting Monday morning at 8 AM. If your throttle is 25 messages every 15 minutes those messages will be completed by 9 AM on Monday morning. Note that you may adjust the time constraints at any time but the adjusted settings will only apply on future messages and future campaigns that have not yet been scheduled under the existing time constraint settings.

  • ASSIGN TO TEAM MEMBERS. If you have team members you want to access and work in this campaign, please select them here to assign them to the campaign.

3. Read the disclaimers and check the boxes in order to SUBMIT and save this campaign. Remember you can create/save this campaign and easily return to edit most of the information on this page if necessary.

The Campaigns feature is a powerful tool for automating and optimizing sales outreach efforts. By using Campaigns, you can streamline your work, personalize outreach, and improve your results.

More Settings

Once you have created your campaign, there is a "More Settings" tab that allows you to update some additional information:

  • REPEAT SEQUENCE: This option pertains to your drip campaigns. Drip campaigns are triggered when a lead is added to the group attached to the drip campaign. If the same lead is added (based on contact email / phone number) more than once to a group and this option is set to "yes" the lead will get the message sequence as many time as the lead is added to the campaign. If this option is set to "no," the lead will only get the drip sequence once.

  • INCOMING SMS NOTIFICATION: Select "yes" if you would like to have text messages sent to the campaign sent to your cell phone in a way that you can correspond directly from your cell phone rather than having to log into your system.

  • INBOUND CALLERS GROUP ADD OPTION: When a lead calls or texts into this campaign, the software can capture and add that lead to a group you specify here, to all the groups associated with your campaign, or no group at all. Just remember that if you choose to have the lead added to a group, and that group is connected to a drip sequence, leads added to the group attached to the drip sequence will trigger the drip sequence messages. This option defaults to "no group."

  • VOICEMAIL NOTIFICATION: If you want to be notified when a voicemail comes in, enter an email and mobile number here.

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