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Twilio SHAKEN/STIR Registration
Jonathan Vicenta avatar
Written by Jonathan Vicenta
Updated over a week ago


SHAKEN/STIR is a caller authentication framework meant to help restore trust by reducing fraudulent robocalls and illegal phone number spoofing. SHAKEN stands for Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs, and STIR stands for Secure Telephone Identity Revisited. They are standards developed by ATIS and the IETF respectively.

What is the problem that is being solved with SHAKEN/STIR?

Consumers don’t answer the phone anymore because the public telephone network has been flooded by Spam and robocalls. This is making it harder than ever for businesses to engage with their customers. In 2019 alone, over 50 billion robocalls in the United States eroded trust in the telephone network and led to a drop in call answer rates from unidentified numbers! SHAKEN/STIR is here to combat this problem.

What do you need to do?

Note: Skip steps 1 & 2 if you already have a Primary Business Profile and assigned phone numbers to it.

Log in to your Twilio Console at

Step 1. Navigate to Account > Trust Hub > Customer Profiles. Click "Create Primary Business Profile". Then, complete the registration form.

Step 2. Once approved, navigate to Account > Trust Hub > Customer Profiles. Click "View Profile Details". Then, assigned phone numbers.

Note: This step assumes you have set up an SMS-capable phone number with Twilio already.

Step 3. Navigate to Account > Trust Hub > SHAKEN/STIR Calling.

Next, click "New SHAKEN/STIR Registration". Fill out the form and submit the request for review.

Step 4. Once the request is approved, navigate to Account > Trust Hub > SHAKEN/STIR Calling.

Then, click the Friendly Name & SID hyperlink and Assign Phone Numbers. Save the changes made.

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