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Enhancing Communication with Smart Caller ID and Calling Etiquette
Jonathan Vicenta avatar
Written by Jonathan Vicenta
Updated over a week ago

In the digital age, safeguarding against unwanted calls is essential. Businesses and individuals alike can benefit from understanding how protocols like STIR/SHAKEN, Caller ID management, and strategic calling practices contribute to trustworthy and effective phone communication.

The Importance of Caller ID

A correctly configured Caller ID is a significant step in building a foundation of trust. For businesses, displaying a clear and recognizable identifier on the Caller ID can greatly increase the chances that a customer will answer the call. This level of transparency signals to the recipient that the call is legitimate and worth their attention.

The Risks of Double or Triple Dialing

While persistence is often a valued trait in business, particularly in sales, it's important to recognize the potential pitfalls of "double or triple dialing," which refers to calling the same lead multiple times in quick succession. This practice can lead to several negative outcomes, such as:

  1. Diminished Trust: Recipients might view repeated calls in a short time as invasive, prompting them to disregard or block the number.

  2. Spam Misidentification: High-frequency calling can trigger spam flags from carriers and call-blocking apps, leading to a number being wrongly labeled as spam despite a properly configured Caller ID.

Calling Tactfully

To maintain the effectiveness of Caller ID and avoid the adverse effects of aggressive dialing tactics, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Spacing Calls: Space out your call attempts to avoid overwhelming potential leads, which can preserve the credibility of your Caller ID.

  2. Voicemail Communication: After an initial unanswered call, leave a voicemail to inform the lead of your intent and when you might call again. This approach is respectful and transparent, encouraging leads to return your call.

  3. Call Pattern Analysis: Monitor the outcomes of your calls. If multiple dialing attempts are not yielding positive results, reassess your strategy to find a balance that is considerate of the lead's time and preferences.

Call Management Tools and Resources

To further avoid being mislabeled as spam, businesses can register their numbers with call management services such as and FirstOrion ( These platforms provide businesses with the means to assert control over how their calls are labeled, ensuring that legitimate outreach efforts are not inadvertently blocked.

Educating Users and Staff

It's crucial that users are aware of resources that can help manage their call experiences. Simultaneously, businesses should educate their staff on the importance of call frequency and voicemail etiquette, ensuring that their outreach efforts adhere to industry best practices and regulatory requirements.


By harnessing the benefits of STIR/SHAKEN, enabling Caller ID, and adhering to thoughtful calling strategies—including careful consideration of call frequency and voicemail use—businesses can improve their chances of successful communication. A balanced approach to calling, grounded in respect for the recipient and regulatory compliance, will lead to a more trusted and efficient communication ecosystem for all.

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