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Share Schedules

Create and share schedules with contractors, consultants, clients

Helen Lummis avatar
Written by Helen Lummis
Updated over a week ago

Sharing schedules allows users to collaborate and share schedules with other stakeholders, such as team members, consultants, contractors, or clients. When sharing schedules you can share one or many Product Categories by creating a Bundle.

A Bundle creates packages of multiple Product Categories to share. Bundling allows users to organize and distribute a cohesive set of schedule and spec divisions, ensuring that all necessary data are shared together for a specific purpose or phase of the project. In the example below, a bundle is shown to be named for the stakeholder and the phase of the project.

One project can have multiple Bundles, but it can only have one View per Product Category. One Bundle can include many views if they are from different schedules. Please see the diagram below which helps illustrate this concept and you can learn more about views in Acelab here. It is recommended that the necessary views be created before creating bundles.

When you create a bundle, permissions will need to be assigned. There are two permission levels when sharing bundles: View & Comment or Edit. View & Comment will allow for those with the link to the bundle to View the specific view shared and also to comment on the product in the comments category.

When sharing a Bundle with Edit permissions, you can then decide which fields will be editable. For example, in the below screenshot, the Client will be able to edit the Status field only to indicate their approvals. They are not able to editt the Image or uantity fields.

Once the permissions have been selected, the button to 'Create Shareable Link' becomes clickable. Selecting this secure link will open up the Bundle in a separate tab. Copy the URL and then share it with folks as needed via whichever format suits the team - email, messenger apps, etc.

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